Úřad městyse Jince
Čsl. dělostřelců 172, 262 23 Jince
datová schránka: gewb4e4
Po rekonstrukci bude v prostorách huti například muzejní expozice a v areálu pak prostor pro pořádání letních kulturních akcí. V souvislosti s rekonstrukcí schválila rada městyse přijetí dotace ze Středočeského fondu kultury a obnovy památek na opravu východní části střechy budovy ve výši 500 000 Kč. „Rekonstrukce bude rozdělena na etapy, nyní se pracuje na střeše a horní části hutě,“ řekl jinecký starosta Josef Hála.
Kromě zmíněné dotace od Středočeského kraje Jince čekají ještě na výsledek jednání o dotaci z ministerstva kultury. „Chceme upravit i venkovní prostory, kde plánujeme letní amfiteátr, ale také stavbu hutí a pecí v poměru jedna ku třem, nebo jedna ku čtyřem, které by názorně ukazovaly zpracování železa, chceme tam udělat i milíř na výrobu dřevěného uhlí, který by byl samozřejmě funkční a občas by se v něm nějaké to dřevěné uhlí vyrobilo,“ přiblížil další záměry s objektem jinecký starosta.
Součástí muzejní expozice bude také muzeum hutnictví nebo prezentace okolních nalezišť trilobitů. Huť Barbora se může pochlubit unikátními stropy, ale také svou jedinečností v rámci Evropy. „V Evropě existovaly jen dvě takové huti, druhá je ve Francii,“ upozornil Josef Hála.
Huť pracovala na základě progresivních technologických prvků, které se potom aplikovaly do hutí na území Rakouska-Uherska. Založil ji hrabě Rudolf Vrbna na počátku 19. století. Do provozu byla uvedena roku 1810. Její specializací bylo odlévání litinových trubek. Vyráběly se zde ale i další strojní součásti a houskové železo pro hamry. Provoz trval do roku 1874, kdy už nedokázala konkurovat okolním hutím. Jméno získala po manželce majitele. Pak zde byla až do 50. let 20. století pila. Poté objekt sloužil jako skladiště zemědělského družstva. V roce 1989 ho získali soukromí vlastníci, od kterých huť obec koupila v roce 2017.
Jince has started rescue of unique blast furnace Barbora
Rescue of a unique historical blast furnace Barbora has been started in Jince. After the reconstruction, the small town would like to use it for the touristic and social development not only of Jince itself but the whole region. At present, the repair of roof and parts of façade is under way. It is financed by means of a donation from the Central Bohemia District.
After the reconstruction, there will be for example a museum exposition in the blast furnace building and the space for summer cultural events in the ground. In connection with the reconstruction, the municipality council approved an acceptance of the donation from the Central Bohemia Fund of Culture and Monuments Restoration for the repair of the eastern part of the roof amounting to 500 000 CZK. „The reconstruction will be split into stages, now the roof and the upper part of furnace are fixed, “the Jince mayor, Josef Hála, says.
Aside the above-mentioned donation from the Central Bohemia District, Jince are waited for the result of the negotiations about a donation from the Minister of Culture. „We would like to adjust also the exteriors where we plan a summer amphitheatre, but also models of furnace and kilns in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:4 which could illustrate the used to be iron production, or a charcoal kiln , of course a functional one, in which time to time some charcoal can be produced, “ the Jince mayor explains the further plans with the compound.
The museum exposition will include also a museum of the iron production or a presentation of the surrounding trilobites’ habitats. The blast furnace Barbora boasts unique ceilings, but also its uniqueness in the scope of Europe. „There were only two such furnaces in Europe, the second one in France, “Josef Hála points out.
The blast furnace was operated based on progressive technological constituents which were then applied in furnaces in the territory of the whole Austria-Hungarian monarchy. It was established by Rudolf Count Vrbna at the beginning of 19th century and named after the wife of the iron works director. It was put into operation in 1810. It was specialised on casting of cast iron pipes. But also, other machinery parts and pig iron for hammers were produced here. The operation lasted till 1874, when it already could not compete with neighbouring furnaces. Then, a saw mill was here till the 50th of 20th century. Later, the building was used as a warehouse by the state farm. In 1989 it was acquired by a private owner from whom the small town bought it in 2017.
Jince has started rescue of unique blast furnace Barbora
Rescue of a unique historical blast furnace Barbora has been started in Jince. After the reconstruction, the small town would like to use it for the touristic and social development not only of Jince itself but the whole region. At present, the repair of roof and parts of façade is under way. It is financed by means of a donation from the Central Bohemia District.
After the reconstruction, there will be for example a museum exposition in the blast furnace building and the space for summer cultural events in the ground. In connection with the reconstruction, the municipality council approved an acceptance of the donation from the Central Bohemia Fund of Culture and Monuments Restoration for the repair of the eastern part of the roof amounting to 500 000 CZK. „The reconstruction will be split into stages, now the roof and the upper part of furnace are fixed, “the Jince mayor, Josef Hála, says.
Aside the above-mentioned donation from the Central Bohemia District, Jince are waited for the result of the negotiations about a donation from the Minister of Culture. „We would like to adjust also the exteriors where we plan a summer amphitheatre, but also models of furnace and kilns in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:4 which could illustrate the used to be iron production, or a charcoal kiln , of course a functional one, in which time to time some charcoal can be produced, “ the Jince mayor explains the further plans with the compound.
The museum exposition will include also a museum of the iron production or a presentation of the surrounding trilobites’ habitats. The blast furnace Barbora boasts unique ceilings, but also its uniqueness in the scope of Europe. „There were only two such furnaces in Europe, the second one in France, “Josef Hála points out.
The blast furnace was operated based on progressive technological constituents which were then applied in furnaces in the territory of the whole Austria-Hungarian monarchy. It was established by Rudolf Count Vrbna at the beginning of 19th century and named after the wife of the iron works director. It was put into operation in 1810. It was specialised on casting of cast iron pipes. But also, other machinery parts and pig iron for hammers were produced here. The operation lasted till 1874, when it already could not compete with neighbouring furnaces. Then, a saw mill was here till the 50th of 20th century. Later, the building was used as a warehouse by the state farm. In 1989 it was acquired by a private owner from whom the small town bought it in 2017.
Jince has started rescue of unique blast furnace Barbora
Rescue of a unique historical blast furnace Barbora has been started in Jince. After the reconstruction, the small town would like to use it for the touristic and social development not only of Jince itself but the whole region. At present, the repair of roof and parts of façade is under way. It is financed by means of a donation from the Central Bohemia District.
After the reconstruction, there will be for example a museum exposition in the blast furnace building and the space for summer cultural events in the ground. In connection with the reconstruction, the municipality council approved an acceptance of the donation from the Central Bohemia Fund of Culture and Monuments Restoration for the repair of the eastern part of the roof amounting to 500 000 CZK. „The reconstruction will be split into stages, now the roof and the upper part of furnace are fixed, “the Jince mayor, Josef Hála, says.
Aside the above-mentioned donation from the Central Bohemia District, Jince are waited for the result of the negotiations about a donation from the Minister of Culture. „We would like to adjust also the exteriors where we plan a summer amphitheatre, but also models of furnace and kilns in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:4 which could illustrate the used to be iron production, or a charcoal kiln , of course a functional one, in which time to time some charcoal can be produced, “ the Jince mayor explains the further plans with the compound.
The museum exposition will include also a museum of the iron production or a presentation of the surrounding trilobites’ habitats. The blast furnace Barbora boasts unique ceilings, but also its uniqueness in the scope of Europe. „There were only two such furnaces in Europe, the second one in France, “Josef Hála points out.
The blast furnace was operated based on progressive technological constituents which were then applied in furnaces in the territory of the whole Austria-Hungarian monarchy. It was established by Rudolf Count Vrbna at the beginning of 19th century and named after the wife of the iron works director. It was put into operation in 1810. It was specialised on casting of cast iron pipes. But also, other machinery parts and pig iron for hammers were produced here. The operation lasted till 1874, when it already could not compete with neighbouring furnaces. Then, a saw mill was here till the 50th of 20th century. Later, the building was used as a warehouse by the state farm. In 1989 it was acquired by a private owner from whom the small town bought it in 2017.
Překlad: Ing. Hana Kratochvílová
02.09.2019 (08:23:00) | Internet | Městys Jince | Denik.cz - Příbramský deník | Radek Ctibor |