Městys Jince
Městys Jince

The visit of a delegation from Norway in Jince

The visit of a delegation from Norway in Jince

Norwegian experts came to see a reconstruction of the blast furnace Barbora.

In 23 – 26 September 2019, a delegation from Norway, Mr. Per Halvorsen and Mr. Bjorn Kjetil Westum visited Jince in the scope of the bilateral meeting regarding the planned project “Renovation of the blast furnace Barbora”.

Accompanied by the mayor of Jince, RSDr. Josefa Hala and members of the Jince municipality, they saw the blast furnace compound, the local school, the Sokol Garden and the Jince brewery Vilem. The Mining Museum in Pribram was another visited sight, the sightseeing guided by its Director, Josef Velfl, followed by the visit of the Prague Botanical Garden and other sightseeing of the capital. 

Pictures by Jaroslav Bouda and Miroslav Maršálek

Date of insertion: 3. 10. 2019 8:03
Last updated on: 13. 1. 2020 11:02
Author: Správce Webu

Městys Jince


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