Městys Jince
Městys Jince

Revitalization of the furnace Barbora in Jince

Revitalization of the furnace Barbora in Jince

The small town Jince has received a donation for the project “ Revitalisation of the furnace Barbora in Jince” which is financed from the funds EHP 2014 - 2021. The object will become a multifunctional areal with four internal expositions for organizing cultural events, seminars and workshops. It wi

Revitalization of the furnace Barbora in Jince

The small town Jince has received a donation for the project “Revitalisation of the furnace Barbora in Jince” which is financed from the funds EHP 2014 - 2021. The object will become a multifunctional areal with four internal expositions for organizing cultural events, seminars and workshops. It will certainly become a popular tourist destination. 

The Ecological  centre Orlov o.p.s. (CR) is a partner of the small town. Together they will ensure the activities relating to the realisation and creation of internal and external expositions (metallurgy, the National Geopark Barandien, the violinist Josef Slavík etc.), dissemination of the project, workshops, seminars, cultural events etc.

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The cultural monument Barbora Furnace, founded in 1805, is the most significant and complex technical monument of the older era of the blast furnace production of the pig iron in the Czech countries and Europe.  It was operated for 60 years, then it succumbed to modern metallurgy. The project of revitalization will save this cultural monument and thanks to the rebuilding of the destroyed buildings it will put it back into the original state. The reconstruction of the furnace is a significant action of the whole-European scale. The project will enable to incorporate the furnace back into the life of Jince. The rescue of the Barbora furnace will be realised by means of reconstruction of the object, completion of the original buildings and by creation of internal and external expositions. The reconstruction of the object will include the reconstruction and remediation of the external and internal plasters, preservation of the furnace body and renovation of floors. The fillings of windows and doors will be exchanged in the original style. The preserved elements will be restored. There will be space for exhibitions and community gatherings in the small town Jince, a part of the object will be used as a deposit of collections connected with the expositions. There will be 4 internal expositions in total.

The first one will be interactive, focused on „The life in the  Barbora Furnace“ (animation and 3D reality). The second exposition will be dedicated to Josef Slavik, a native of Jince who used to be called a new Paganini. The third exposition will focus on the Geopark Barrandien and on paleontological findings in Jince. The last exposition will relate to the nature of Brdy.

The project will present the cultural monument as a part of the Czech cultural heritage (the exposition), but there will take place also workshops, cultural events and several activities for the residents of Jince or the visitors to Brdy.

Involved in the project: the small town Jince, the Ecological centre Orlov o.p.s. (CR) and Fjellugla KompetanseAS (Norway).


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loga k barboře - 600.jpg
Type of file: JPG figure, size: 11.41 kB
Date of insertion: 24. 6. 2021 10:42
Last updated on: 28. 6. 2021 12:25
Author: Správce Webu

Městys Jince


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